Friday, July 24, 2009

How To Convert The .RBS File Extension

I have been seeing a lot of confusion online with people downloading a free sample sound/song from a web site that is in the .RBS file extension and cannot open the file. Then I read so many posts about "download this converter" blah, blah, blah. The fact of the matter is there is no need for converter software. It is actually quite simple. But I give away the truth lets take a look at what a .rbs file extention is and what it is used for.

.RBS file extenstion is a Rebirth Song File created with the Rebirth RB-338 software synthesizer; may contain electronic instruments (voices) and drum sounds. This was discontinued by Propellerhead Software on September 1, 2005.

****Don't confuse the above file extension with .RBF which is a rollback script run by windows installer****

Ok enough talk. Here is how you make your .RBS files playable. After downloading the song in .RBS format just rename the file with the name of the song (easy reference later) and then add a .mp3 extention. Example. Here is a file name when I downloaded it from an old propellerhead website: "John%20Pearson%20-%2001%20-%20Sweet%20Sensation.rbs." I then changed the file name and type to Sweet_Sensation.mp3 and Walla... successfully "converterd" the unplayable file type.

It is really that easy. If you still can't figure it out hit me up and I will set you straight. As a last option you could always download the vintage Propellerhead Software since it is now free.

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