Saturday, October 30, 2010


The Shamikami?? What?? Well you already know Discovery is all about world ethnic samples, but what if you take an ancient Japanese instrument like the Shamisen and mix and slice those sounds over the different genres of today's music scene; what would you get? Something upbeat, but soothing to the soul to say the least.

A while back I made a demo track crossing shamisen cuts over hip-hop which I later uploaded to Youtube. That video was seen by no other than the Japanese-American shamisen master Kevin Kmetz who later contacted me about a "new sound" he was interested in. This is how the party started.

After looking at the video he sent as a sample, I was so impressed I made a video of his shamisen Starwars theme cover synced to the opening credits Starwars style. I was surprised out how many people took interest. The old/new sound is starting to have a loyal following.

Anyways here is a video from Kevin's channel @shamikami on YouTube. It him playing shamisen over Eminem's "WHEN I`M GONE". It is pretty awesome I think. If you like it too just click on the video and subscribe to the shamikami. You won't hate yourself for it, I promise ;)


Audio Mastering Studio said...

Great stuff, Eminem must listen to this ;-)

Drum Beats said...

Yeah that's awesome, you've definitely convinced me to subscribe to the shamikami on youtube. I agree that I hope Eminem hears this some day, it's a great addition to the song.